Search this site:

Match case Regex search


By default, this search engine looks for all words in any order. To search for an exact phrase, enclose the phrase in quotes:

"movable type"

The search engine also supports AND, OR, and NOT keywords to specify boolean expressions:

personal OR publishing
publishing NOT personal
MT::App::Search=HASH(0x17e6ac) Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at /Users/tkazu/Sites/blog/lib/MT/Template/ line 458.
MT::App::Search=HASH(0x17e6ac) Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at /Users/tkazu/Sites/blog/lib/MT/Template/ line 458.
MT::App::Search=HASH(0x17e6ac) Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at /Users/tkazu/Sites/blog/lib/MT/Template/ line 458.